Download the reference BOOK (A US$ 116 value) FREE:

Riva, G., Botella, C., Légeron, P., Optale, G. (2004)
Cybertherapy: Internet and Virtual Reality as Assessment and Rehabilitation Tools for Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience

The latest reviews (PDF and HTML Files)

Applications of Virtual Reality in Medicine, Methods of Information in Medicine, 5 (5), 524-534, Oct 2003.

Virtual Reality in Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice and Training, 40 (1-2), 68-76, 2003.

Fake worlds offer real medicine, JAMA,  290 (10), 2107-2109, 22/29 Oct 2003

Ambient Intelligence in Health Care (4.5 MB) CyberPsychology and Behavior, 6 (3), 295-300, 2003.

Virtual reality in behavioral neuroscience and beyond, Nature Neuroscience, Volume 5 Supplement, 1089 - 1092, November 2002.

The books (PDF and HTML Files)

Virtual Reality in Neuro-Psycho Physiology

Virtual Reality in Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience

Virtual Reality: Scientific and technological challenges

Communications through virtual technologies  

Towards Cyberpsychology: Mind, cognition and society in the Internet age

Being There: Concepts, effects and measurements of user presence in synthetic environments

Avatars!: Exploring and building Virtual World on the Internet

Telemedicine: a guide to assessing telecommunications for health care

Networking health: prescriptions for the Internet

The Internet's coming of age

Embedded, Everywhere: A Research Agenda for Networked Systems of Embedded Computers

Other books and papers can be found at the VEPSY UPDATED web site. Other info can be found at the VRMC web site.